Kamis, 09 Mei 2019

manado north sulawesi tour

Manado north sulawesi english and mandarin tour guide jotje la guided group tourist from china climbed volcano tomohon city

Manado north sulawesi tour.
underguide by guidejotje lala.watsapp .+6289515507588
Manado north sulawesi mandarin and english speaking guide jotje lala with acouple from china on the edge of lokon volcano crater .

1 lokon volcano tour.
2 soputan volcano tour
3 mahawu volcano tour and minahasa highland tour
4 klabat mountain tour
5tampusu mountain tour
6tangkoko nature reserve tour.
8 naniwarte bone tour
9 bunaken island daily tour.
10 nantu forest gorontalo babi rusa and anoa tour
11 trans sulawesi tour.

guide jotje lala is indonesia tour guide base on manado north sulawesi indonesia .english speaking tour guide and speak understand some chiness mandarin.

he will guide you the best of sulawesi.

Jumat, 14 September 2018

sulawesi trip.

Explore tangkoko nature reserve.
climbing lokon volcano and mahawu volcano.
minasaha highland trip visit tomohon market ,tondano lake,linow lake ,potary village ,traditional minahasa wooden house industry ,rafting.
explore tambun naniwartabone national park .
for maleo bird,and after drive to gorontalo visit lake and beteng otana and after drive to pendolo central sulawesi and visit poso lake after drive to toraja and explore toraja and after toraja drive to makasar and visit bira beach and tempe lake.
North sulawesi to the south sulawesi trip Is wonderful
joint with guide jotje lala.
sulawesi wildlife guide and culture explore.

Kamis, 05 Juli 2018

north sulawesi hiking mahawu volcano and minahasa highland trip

North sulawesi minahasa highland and climbing mahawu volcano on july 2018 guided one family from belgium ie family jochen and pia with 3 kids yacob,outo and ivo.

north sulawesi information tour.

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

adventure sulawesi tour

Joint adventure sulawesi with sulawesi professional guide jotje lala from north sulawesi to the south sulawesi.
A destination north sulawesi
1 snorkling at bunaken island
2 tour tangkoko nature reserve
3minahasa higland tour
5 climbing lokon volcano
6hiking mahawu volcano
7hiking tampusu volcano
8climbing soputan volcano and camping
9climbing klabat mountain dorman volcano
10 tour bogani wartabone national park
11 tour snorkling bangka island ,lihaga,gangga island
12 visit sangihe and talaud island
13 gorontalo and visit nantu forest
14visit togean island,lake poso central sulawesi
15 visit tanah torajaland,bira beach,tempe lake
if need information for this tour of sulawesi .
you can cantact guide jotje lala
whatsapp +6289515507588
Daily tour for north sulawesi
1 minahasa highland tour
2 lokon volcano tour
3 soputan volcano tour
4tangkoko nature reserve tour
5 paragliding
6diving on bunaken island
7 diving on lembeh strait
hiking mahawu volcano already included in minahasa highland tour.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

sulawesi information

Sulawesi information

responsible trip for sulawesi indonesia

Sulawesi responsible trip .

guide jotje lala is indonesian legal guide base north sulawesi  who lives in tomohon city the home of lokon volcano,mahawu volcano,tampusu volcano,tekaan telu waterfall ,linow volcano mud crater lake,traditional minahasa wooden house industry and near to destination on minahasa land,soputan volcano,tangkoko nature reserve,bunaken island,tumbak and bentenan island.
can guide around sulawesi nantu forest,lake poso, and other part of indonesia.
you cantact me if you need information or need me as

contact whatsapp