Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

guiding trips november 2016 north sulawesi tour

guiding november 2016 north sulawesi tour guided mr rudy and mrs meyla from belgium guest started from bastianos dive resort lembeh.

diving on the north sulawesi ocean bunken and lembeh straits.
contact bastianos dive resort.www.bastianos.com

Selasa, 22 November 2016

lokon volcano adventure north sulawesi tour 9-19 november 2016

north sulawesi volcanoes guide.www.adventurevolcanoesguide.blogspot.com
north sulawesi lokon volcano adventure tour 9-10 november 2016 guided acouple from germany who stay in highland resort 9 november 10 november guided 4 tourist who was stay in mountain view resort. tomohon north sulawesi indonesia.

 guest who was stay in mountain view resort

north sulawesi lokon volcano information tour

Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

north sulawesi tangkoko nature resevee tour

tangkoko tour 11 november 2016
north sulawesi tangokoko nature reserve tour guided acouple from germany wo was staying in onong palace resort tomohon guideded acouple from austria and acouple from germany only jointed acomodation in tangkoko.

north sulawesi tangkoko nature reserve tour information